Hey lovebug
Want to learn my *secret* tool to feel feminine and sexy af?
If you want to turn up your erotic feminine.
If you want to be the most noticed woman in the room.
Download my *free* Feminine Magnetism Meditation right now.
You’ll understand why when you do this easy, fun practice 🔥
Keep on reading…
Learn how to feel enough
Femininity + Empowerment
Learn how to feel womanly
Learn how to love
4 roles that women take on to get validation in relationships
Which of these roles can you see in your adult relationships today? I coach women who are desperate to have the loving, erotic, intimate, conscious relationships they see online yet have no idea why they aren't attracted to their partners. Scratching your head...
7 ways you’re sabotaging bringing love into your life
“Why the ‘F’ am I still single?” You think as another holiday Christmas party invite pops into your email. You can already feel the dread inside you as you have to pretend to smile whilst sitting at the head of a table with couples surrounding you on all sides. I’m...
20 Things Women With Low Self Worth Say To Themselves And How To Change That
Are you one of those women that constantly talk down to themselves? Who lets their inner itty bitty shitty committee rule over the positive amazing life you have? You probably have a case of low self-worth. Low self-worth leads to believe you can’t live your dream...
11 Mindset Questions To Ask Yourself To Tune Into Your Desires
11 mindset questions to ask yourself to tune into your desires What turns me on in my life is... What turns me off in my life is... Now that I feel turned on by my life I….. If time and money were not an issue I would be …. ...
9 Tips For Preparing For A Sex Ritual With Your Man
You are probably asking in your head, “What is a sex ritual?” “ How is it different from just normal sex?” Let me explain it to you. A sex ritual is an intentional practice, offering or ceremony where you consciously set specific energy, ambiance, and feelings that...
3 Signs You Need More Feminine Energy In Your Life
Our society, workplace, home and social events thrive on us women needing to be more masculine in our energy. Masculine energy moves things forward, it’s all about action. I’m all for it, however, what I see today is an imbalance of masculine energy in women. Women...
Hey there!
I’m Nora and teach frustrated women who are over 30 how to clear their emotional baggage, limiting beliefs and past love wounds that are stopping them from attracting and creating their ‘relationship-of-my-dreams’.
Whether you are single and BORED AF with dating all these non-committal men and just want to meet your man…
Or you are in a relationship that’s like a disney rollercoaster with fighting, ‘shit-I-shouldn’t-have-said-that’ and days where you start to question if he really is the one for you…
I can help you create + attract your Pinterest #relationshipgoals
Apply for my no cost ‘Relationship-of-my-dreams’ discovery call here.
Check out some of my free workshops and guided meditations below to help you get clarity on what you want in a relationship and how to solve relationship issues.
Learn what role YOU have in attracting those ‘situationship-loving’ men. Understand that your past has a HUGE impact on your beliefs around love + relationships and learn my inner work tools to clear up unresolved unconscious wounds that are stopping the yum-yum healthy conscious and masculine man being YOUR next ‘Can I see you again’ date.
Learn the ‘oh-so-easy-why-has-no-one-told-me-this-before’ tools to create that magnetic attraction again between you + your partner. Understand how men and women think differently in their needs and wants in a relationship and FINALLY get insight into why you are doubting your relationship and how to banish the doubt. P.s. This is a great masterclass to watch with your man as well!
You can't attract + create the relationship you desire without *feeling* first what it is you want.
Download my love hypnosis meditation for free to tap into those emotions as you visualize your purrfect man and dream relationship.
This is my ultimate ‘feel good’ playlist on spotify that you can melt into. Perfect for candle lit dates, bedroom vibes and those days when you just want to dance infront of your mirror.
Signup to get the link for free.
Sort out your past love wounds, create the stable foundation for a healthy relationship and learn how to stay in a relationship that feels supportive, loving, epic and deeply committed.
Check out all my programs below ⬇️
The foundation course in creating a healthy relationship.
If you want to learn the 4 foundations of what a healthy relationship is all about, this is a course for you. 4 weeks of 20min teaching modules and a workbook to download.
An 8 week course for couples that will change your relationship to happy, healthy, fun and growing.
A program taught by my partner, Ian Collins & I together, where you will learn how to deepen your emotional and physical intimacy using our 8 step ‘Deeper In Love’ Blueprint.
Are you sick of being single and attracting men that end up ghosting, wanting a ‘situationship’ and are simply so freaken frustrated with the barren landscape of emotionally availble masculine men?
This is the most in depth, eye-opening course for you. It’ll help you change your attitude to dating and ONLY attract the kind of men that YOU desire into your life.
A little about my own story…
I found myself with a one way ticket from Cape Town to Bali after my 3.5 yr relationship ended. I was living in Cape Town with my then man and boy did we have some issues! We were both playing the ‘withhold game’ and it’s no surprise that our relationship turned into one of resentments, frustration and wanting to get the hell away from each other.
On the plane, crying, sad and lonely I thought to myself… “surely, there’s a proper, easy and healthy way to have a loving relationship?” And there is.
I spent the next 5 years single in Bali dating the typical non-commital men just wanting a ‘good time’ all the while learning about feminine energy, healing my shame, how polarity in relationships creates turn on, that the key to any healthy relationship is conscious communication and most importantly WHAT ROLE I HAD TO PLAY in creating shitty relationships for myself.
Well, I found the answers and my man (see the pic!) with whom I’m in an epic, connected, intimate, fun, playful and committed relationship with.
Want that too?
Psst. want to go deeper and really attract + create the relationship of your dreams?
Check out some of my online courses for both single women frustrated with the dating scene AND women in rocky relationships who want that deep connection.
I love sharing my stories (I grew up in Nepal and India!) and my passion for personal development (former chronic anxiety sufferer here for 9+ years) and inspiring women to not settle for a man that absolutely everything she deisres.
Contact me here and let’s talk on your podcast, let me write for your magazine or blog!
Hear my wild journey of life on one of the podcasts below…
follow me on insta:
@norawendel 15k+ women are ready to clear their hearts, find their feminine magnetism, call in their king and have an epic turned on relationship...are you?
#datingforwomenover30 #relationshiptips #couplegoals #cominghome