I healed my SHAME. ⠀
The shame I had been carrying around me since I was 12.⠀
It felt heavy, secretive like I was “wrong”, I was a bad person…⠀
How many of you feel the same way about something in your life that you feel ashamed about?⠀
Shame is debilitating, it makes us cower inside. It’s low vibration. ⠀
💫 How do you heal shame?⠀
It was a question that came up in a meet up I went to today.⠀
Here’s how I healed my shame:⠀
1️⃣ I talked about it.⠀
It was confronting, I felt ashamed to share, I did it anyway.⠀
You can choose to share with a complete stranger or with people you trust. ⠀
The main point is to speak about it.⠀
2️⃣ I forgave myself.⠀
I am not a bad person. I didn’t do anything wrong. ⠀
Why am I beating myself up about it inside? Why is it still with me?⠀
I love you⠀
I forgive you⠀
I thank you⠀
I release you.⠀
Repeat those words again and again to yourself. ⠀
Forgive yourself. It’s no use carrying the shame around with you for the next years.⠀
3️⃣ I asked myself what I learnt by this shame.⠀
What was the gift, the teaching?⠀
How could I grow from this?⠀
Perhaps even if it is just sharing about it with more people because if I felt shame around it more people would have too.⠀
Journal, talk, ask…⠀
This is a chance for you to expand into a more vibrant being from this.⠀
And when you manage to release the shame (or even a part of the shame)⠀
You start to feel⠀
Like why didn’t I do this earlier?⠀
Why have I been carrying this around for days/months/years.⠀
You got this.⠀
You can be you without the baggage.⠀
What shame are you ready to release today?⠀