“I don’t want it to turn sexual” He nodded. "Any other boundaries?" I paused. I felt. “No.” “What is your fear?” He moved onto the next question. “Feeling my anxiety well up again, realizing that it isn’t gone like I thought it was; Panic?” I answered. He nodded...
Self Love POSTS
I stood naked – Normalizing Nudity
I stood naked in front of a man this weekend, I stood naked in my entirety. I needed him to see me in my fullness, my wholeness, without my shame. We were by a river, the water was roaring around us as the wetness, moistness of being down down down in the valley...
Hair Care for long AF hair
I have really long hair. Like really really long hair. I look in the mirror sometimes and see the tips of my hair poking out just above my bum and think ‘is my hair really that long?’, then I grab some of it and from behind my arm and measure how long it is. ‘Cause I...
Read more of my blogs below
5 ways to feel more sensual as a woman
I desire to feel soft and strong. Womanly and courageous. Feminine and like a tiger. ___ I used to feel clunky AF,...
The one question that can change your relationships
"I feel held" he said to me. I nodded with a smile. Yes. “Yes” I replied. Inside I was laughing. I knew exactly...
Sensual Self Love Body Oil
It was only at the beginning of this year (Feb 2018) that I connected to myself and my body in a deeply healing way. I...
‘Open Wide’ She Whispered
Open wide.⠀ ⠀ Let it in.⠀ ⠀ She whispered in my ear.⠀ ⠀ I didn’t want to listen.⠀ ⠀ I shut it out. Pretended to be...