It’s the foundation for everything.


Self worth is the inner knowledge that you are amazing, that you are enough, that you can do ANYTHING. Once you have self worth you feel confident, you feel powerful, you feel unilimited. Below are meditations, my 3 day video training and a EFT tapping video.

Feel Free
in Life

Start this PDF journaling exercise immediately if you are feeling stuck in your life. It’ll help you get CLEAR on your desires and what is stopping you. x

Inner Child Loving


Do this meditation to welcome and validate your inner child who had unmet needs as you were growing up. Be prepared to feel deep. This is such an important part of being an adult.

Connect to Higher

Self Meditation

This is a meditation to connect back to your higher self, that version of you who KNOWS who she is, how to follow her intuition and who can guide you in your life.

Own Your Desire

In this video I talk about HOW to own your desires as a magnetic and feminine woman, what might be blocking you and how do you overcome those blocks. Be prepared to feel a deep sigh of relief as you learn how to stop stopping yourself.

Download the accompanying PDF with journaling questions below.

Journalling Questions


to feel confident every day 

Day 1

Understanding what confidence is and what it means in your life.

Define confidence in your own words.


Day 2

Learn how to anchor in the feeling of confidence as a woman.

Use Neurolinguistic Programming to create a confident feeling state in you.


Day 3

Learn my favourite tool to feel GREAT about myself!

It’s a tool that has transformed my anxiety to awesomeness.


3-day video training

The top three blocks that are limiting you from believing in your self worth.
3 blocks removed in 3 videos!
‘Cause ultimately when you feel worthy you become unstoppable (it’s that feeling that you KNOW that ANYTHING you want, you can get.)

Day 1

Block 1: We fear judgement around our desires
FEAR, fear keeps us safe, in this case keeps our desires away from us. Watch Day one to learn how to stop fearing judgement.

Day 2

Block 2: “I AM NOT WORTH IT” thoughts
“I am not worth my desires”
I call this the modern day woman dis-ease. Watch Day two to learn how to start KNOWING your worth.

Day 3

Block 3: Choosing to stay in the struggle
Are CHOOSING to stay in the struggle?
Choosing to think it has to be hard.
Choosing to think that it’s not possible.
Choosing to feel unsure, scared, resistant to what you want.
Watch Day three to learn how to stop struggling.

Becoming Magnetic has been upgraded into my signature program called


A 12 week online, live, step by step coaching program designed to clear your past unhealthy relationship patterns, cultivate self love, banish insecurities and teach you HOW to have a healthy and conscious relationship with yourself and a man.


Use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique to clear any emotional blockages in your body

Go back to main page

Self Worth

Feel Free in Life PDF

Inner child Healing Meditation

#WORTHIT 3 day video Training

Tapping into Resistance EFT video

Connect to Higher Self Meditation

Own Your Desires Video + PDF Journaling Q’s

Feminine Embodiment

Radiance Meditation

Tapping into your Feminine Power EFT

Why Can't I Orgasm Video

Connect to Your Womb Meditation

5 Day Sensual Self Video Challenge

How to Become a Magnetic Woman Masterclass 1hr

Magnetic Woman Meditation


Cord Cutting Meditation

Metta: Loving Kindness Meditation

How to have meaningful relationships PDF

Manifest your Man Webinar

3 Keys to Building Emotional and Physical Intimacy Masterclass

The Big Love 5 Day Challenge

7 Ways to Fun, Foreplay & Fulfilment PDF


A 12 week online, live, step by step coaching program designed to clear your past unhealthy relationship patterns, cultivate self love, banish insecurities and teach you HOW to have a healthy and conscious relationship with yourself and a man.

Dive deep into the resistance you feel around having what you want (that body, that intimate relationship, that feeling of freedom to be you).

The only reason you don't have what you want is because you don't think you deserve it. Time to clear that shiz up.

I'm here to help.

Come and check out THE SCHOOL OF FEMININE MAGNETISM my signature program all about becoming the most magnetic woman in the room by looking at your childhood experiences and how they have shaped your limiting beliefs.

xo Nora