Nora Wendel Holistic Relationship Coach for Women

I help frustrated women who are over 30 attract + create their “relationship-of-my-dreams” from Pinterest board to reality.

Whether you are single and done with non-committal men or you’re in a relationship that isn’t quite what you want and you are doubting whether it’s worth it…

I can teach you how to go from questioning to found.

Ready for an adventure in love?

You can’t attract + create the love you desire without feeling it first.

Download my love hypnosis meditation

Reprogram your limiting beliefs around love and *feel* what it feels like to be in the “relationship-of-my-dreams”.

Yep. These are the internal shifts that’ll help you feel open, soft, trusting and ready for some healthy long-lasting-YUM-loving…

You want the ‘buy-me-flowers-just-because’ kinda man

who holds your hand as you walk down the street claiming you as his woman, who isn’t afraid to say ‘babe, I want us to grow our relationship even stronger’ whilst suggesting to go to a relationship workshop together (because he believes in the ‘Us’.)

A man who will sit weekly with you to do a relationship check-in to make sure you are both feeling appreciated and loved in your togetherness.

A man who never forgets that your love language is words of appreciation and writes you love notes to find beside your steaming cup of coffee on the counter before you go to work, who takes the time to listen to you when you’ve got your PMS rants and brings you chocolate as your feeling miserable in bed and who always, always opens his heart and shares his feelings with you so that you don’t have to have those ‘shit-I shouldn’t-have-said-that’ fights…

A man that tells you he loves you daily and WHY he loves you, making you feel cherished, soft, feminine and so deeply deeply in love.

Does that kinda man & relationship even exist?

I didn’t think so either…Until I did the inner work clearing up my shitty limiting beliefs around love AND healing my love wounds from my past I didn’t even know existed.

You want the ‘buy-me-flowers-just-because’ kinda man

who holds your hand as you walk down the street claiming you as his woman, who isn’t afraid to say ‘babe, I want us to grow our relationship even stronger’ whilst suggesting to go to a relationship workshop together (because he believes in the ‘Us’.)

A man who will sit weekly with you to do a relationship check-in to make sure you are both feeling appreciated and loved in your togetherness.

A man who never forgets that your love language is words of appreciation and writes you love notes to find beside your steaming cup of coffee on the counter before you go to work, who takes the time to listen to you when you’ve got your PMS rants and brings you chocolate as your feeling miserable in bed and who always, always opens his heart and shares his feelings with you so that you don’t have to have those ‘shit-I shouldn’t-have-said-that’ fights…

A man that tells you he loves you daily and WHY he loves you, making you feel cherished, soft, feminine and so deeply deeply in love.

Does that kinda man & relationship even exist?

I didn’t think so either…Until I did the inner work clearing up my shitty limiting beliefs around love AND healing my love wounds from my past I didn’t even know existed.

A little about my own story…

I found myself with a one way ticket from Cape Town to Bali after my 3.5 yr relationship ended. I was living in Cape Town with my then man and boy did we have some issues! We were both playing the ‘withhold game’ and it’s no surprise that our relationship turned into one of resentments, frustration and wanting to get the hell away from each other.

On the plane, crying, sad and lonely I thought to myself… “surely, there’s a proper, easy and healthy way to have a loving relationship?” And there is.

I spent the next 5 years single in Bali dating the typical non-commital men just wanting a ‘good time’ all the while learning about feminine energy, healing my shame, how polarity in relationships creates turn on, that the key to any healthy relationship is conscious communication and most importantly WHAT ROLE I HAD TO PLAY in creating shitty relationships for myself.

Well, I found the answers and my man (see the pic!) with whom I’m in an epic, connected, intimate, fun, playful and committed relationship with.


Want that too?

Here’s how I can help.

You are either…

single like a pringle

and fed up of all the non-comittal ‘just-wanna-have-fun’ men you keep meeting. You keep going onto Bumble & Hinge only to delete the apps after a week in frustration with no obvious hot, hunky & emotionally available men who actually care on there…and you still really wanna find YOUR man!

Watch my free masterclass called ‘Becoming The One to Attract Your One”

Learn what role YOU have in attracting those ‘situationship-loving’ men. Understand that your past has a HUGE impact on your beliefs around love + relationships and learn my inner work tools to clear up unresolved unconscious wounds that are stopping the yum-yum healthy conscious and masculine man being YOUR next ‘Can I see you again’ date.

in a relationship

and it’s been one helluva emotional disney rollercoaster of a ride so far and you seem to be stuck on the loop-de-loop of old patterns, same fights and simmering resentments. Surely there must be a way to get back to the lovey phase you both were in or is the relationship doomed?

Watch my free masterclass called ‘Make it HOT – Bring the sexy back into your relationship”

Learn the ‘oh-so-easy-why-has-no-one-told-me-this-before’ tools to create that magnetic attraction again between you + your partner. Understand how men and women think differently in their needs and wants in a relationship and FINALLY get insight into why you are doubting your relationship and how to banish the doubt. P.s. This is a great masterclass to watch with your man as well!

clear your wounds

create the sexy foundations

love with devotion

have the epic relationship.

Don’t make the same mistakes I made…

Fantasizing about marriage on the first date simply because it was going so well

Letting a man into your ‘energy’ just because you don’t want to be alone and he is better than no one

Swiping on anyone that ‘seemed’ ok whilst not being really clear what you want

Attracting the same type of man who makes you feel needy every day because he is actually avoidant and doesn’t want to you to think he wants to committ

Not doing the inner work to see that you have a father wound and each man you’ve been in a relationship with is actually scarily similar to how your dad was with you emotionally

Getting on the apps only to get frustrated AF to then delete them and then download it again in a few weeks

Dating a ‘potential’ for a few months thinking that you can fix him into what you want in a man

Staying with a man who was ‘ok’ (not amazing – just ok) because you thought this is as good as it’s going to get

Yep. That was me.


I’ve got you covered. Seriously, you don’t have to make the same mistakes I made in 5 years of being single and attracting men who just wanted my ‘fun-loving’ energy. I was SO over it.

Whether you are single or in a relationship, I’ve got some tips, tools, practices and ‘oh-why-didn’t-anyone-teach-me-this-sooner’ knowledge to share with you that will for good. I mean it.

For every woman over 30 wanting to learn WTF a healthy relationship is and how to keep the magnetism on fire during dating + after

These are my “intro” jam-packed-knowledge-bomb-dropping courses


A 4 week online course for women who are frustated with dating to teach you exactly how to:


Only $88 usd


A 6 week online course for the woman ready to re-ignite her natural sensuality and sexuality so that she feels empowered, sexy, turned on and has irresistible + intimate sex with a man who wants nothing but her.


What if…


Only $148 usd

Serious about finding love?

You have done a little bit of personal development after that last nasty breakup that had you questioning what is ‘wrong with you?’. You are DONE. You realize that each man you keep attracting is similar to something (not quite sure what yet) and you are now at the stage where it’s investigation time to find out WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON IN YOUR MESSY LOVE LIFE.

These two programs are the best-of-the-best you will find on the internet. #notlying



Want the chef’s kiss?

Imagine you had me calling out your BS self-made lies, lovingly holding you as we reprogram your beliefs around love, holding space for the little girl inside you to share her fears and best of all guiding you personally step by step on how to have the epic, drama free, dripping, laughter filled relationship that you’ve been dreaming of (and pinning onto Pinterest).

Working 1-1 with me is either a 3 or 6 month commitment with calls 3/4 times a month, messaging and email support AND you even get a program of your choice as a bonus boost to help you find your forever man.

Click the button below to schedule a discovery call with me.


The biggest issue I see women in their 30’s have is not enough self-worth and self-belief that they CAN find a healthy masculine emotionally available man.

So I wrote a book about how I overcame 9+ years of chronic anxiety that made me feel shy, small, scared and not worthy of a big life.

This book comes with a digital resource library (that’s on my website) filled with 20+ guided meditations, journalling prompts and self-help videos of ALL the tools I learnt on how to be a

Confident, Sexy & Wildly Free Woman.


Read my blog

Want to get to know my work better? Read my blog.

I share *plenty* of insights to help you figure out what’s going on with your love life…and it’s totally free.

Do you love music that makes you drip with desire?

Download my SENSUAL SUNDAY PLAYLIST to listen to songs that make you feel, sigh, and soften into that feminine beauty.

Pop the songs on and feel into the music and start to move. It’s part of my daily ritual to lean into more of my womanness.

follow me on insta:

@norawendel 15k+ women are ready to find their Mr. Right, have a relationship that's filled with fun, turn on, open communication and long term loving...are you?

#datingforwomenover30 #relationshiptips #couplegoals #ifoundmyman


who want to feel sensual, sexy & alive and be done with drama in their love life

Contact me here.