a peek into my personal library

Books on Womanhood, Pleasure and EPIC love 💗

My hand picked selection of books that I HIGHLY recommend you read to get more in touch with yourself, your potential for unlimited pleasure and to dive into Intimacy.

Click below to find these books on Amazon. 

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My favourite book which I use EVERY day to clear emotional blockages in my body and mind using this technique developed by Dane Thomas. Buy it now to change your life.


If you want to learn about HOW to get aroused the feminine way and how to welcome more PLEASURE into your life. This is the book.


I just love this book. Easy to read, inspiring you to rise into your higher self. I always dip back in every month to feel uplifted.

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Self Worth

Feel Free in Life PDF

Inner child Healing Meditation

#WORTHIT 3 day video Training

Tapping into Resistance EFT video

Connect to Higher Self Meditation

Own Your Desires Video + PDF Journaling Q’s

Feminine Embodiment

Radiance Meditation

Tapping into your Feminine Power EFT

Why Can't I Orgasm Video

Connect to Your Womb Meditation

5 Day Sensual Self Video Challenge

How to Become a Magnetic Woman Masterclass 1hr

Magnetic Woman Meditation


Cord Cutting Meditation

Metta: Loving Kindness Meditation

How to have meaningful relationships PDF

Manifest your Man Webinar

3 Keys to Building Emotional and Physical Intimacy Masterclass

The Big Love 5 Day Challenge

7 Ways to Fun, Foreplay & Fulfilment PDF