learn how to match the energetic frequency of money to start manifesting it!

April 2 Thursday 9AM Bali Time

The world is shutting down, are you feeling confused and scared about money and how you will survive?


In this one hour masterclass you will get to FEEL how fun, easy and playful making money can be. Because money is always about how you FEEL not what you DO.

Stop freaken out, start feeling great.

Money wants to support you 🤑

Join now to learn the how, why and the AHA around making more money in your life.

You’ll learn:

⚡ Why you fear money

⚡ What keeps blocking money from coming into your life

⚡ Energetic tools to remove the resistance around money

⚡ Ideas to welcome in money into your life

We will be doing:

Live EFT

Emotional Freedom Technique
around money and money blocks!

Live NLP

Neurolinguistic Programming
around how you want to FEEL around large amounts of money!

Live Dancing

cause money is all about fun and play!

2 April | 9AM Bali Time

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